SOS Program

To address concerns and possible confusion over using supplementary cementing materials (SCMs) in concrete, an EcoSmart-led partnership has developed a ‘SCM Optimization System’ (SOS). This web-based decision-making system allows developers, architects, engineers, contractors and material suppliers to optimize the use of SCMs in concrete by simulating the effects of varying the multitude of parameters that interplay on construction projects. SOS can be used at all stages of construction – through concept, structural design, materials selection and proportioning, to construction management and implementation.  By determining optimal SCM levels and tradeoffs, the system enables users to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and construction costs, and lower the environmental footprint by directly reducing the amount of Portland cement required for construction projects.

The Truth About Fly Ash

The use of fly ash in building materials diverts millions of tons of ash from the landfills each year, increases the constructability and durability of concrete and brick, partially replaces energy-intensive Portland cement, and is recognized by the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED rating system as a post-industrial recycled material.
On the other hand, environmentalists question whether the industry has enough testing data to conclusively determine that this byproduct of power-producing coal combustion is environmentally safe…..   Read more

from GreenBuilder Magazine.

Finalized AP2K Reports on SCM Use in Canada

October 2007

All the three information reports generated through EcoSmart’s AP2K 2007 project have been approved for public release.

EcoSmart undertook a qualitative assessment and related information dissemination activities with regard to the use of Supplementary Cementing Materials (SCMs) in Canada. These activities were a follow up to the federal AP2K project. The goal of the qualitative assessment on SCM use in Canada was to determine changes over the past several years and to gain a better understanding of stakeholders’ position and concerns. Also, there was further dissemination of information on the use of SCMs in concrete in an effort to increase acceptance.

The EcoSmart Foundation completed these activities with the support of the Cement Association of Canada (CAC), the Canadian Ready-Mixed Concrete Association (CRMCA), the Association of Canadian Industries Recycling Coal Ash (CIRCA), the National Research Council (Institute for Research in Construction), Public Works & Government Services Canada, Environment Canada and Natural Resources Canada. As a part of the dissemination aspect of the AP2K 2007 project, the industry-government collaboration developed a list of references and resources on the use of SCMs. These resources are intended to provide helpful information to the ready-mixed concrete, construction and design industries, as well as federal, provincial and municipal agencies across Canada.

Posted in SCM

Syncrude Kaolin Recovery Project

This report is an appendix to the EcoSmart Project s Metakaolin Feasibility Study. Syncrude Canada Ltd has initiated a project to recover a kaolin rich slurry from oil sands tailings. The recovered product has been identified as a potential pozzolanic supplement in specialty cements. This report describes the laboratory and pilot plant work which produced a bulk sample of slurry. The slurry sample was sent to ECC in Georgia for calcining and product evaluation.

The report also contains a description and cost estimate of a commercial plant to generate the initial annual quantity of product required by ECC.

Technical Report Author: Tynebridge Technologies Ltd

Analysis of the NLK Project EA 2860 EcoSmart Concrete Project Metakaolin Pre-Feasibility Study

This report is an appendix to the EcoSmart Concrete Project s Metakaolin Study. The report presents INSA s technical economical and environmental analysis of the report prepared for EcoSmart by NLK consultants.

The report concludes that NLK s arguments are acceptable but have to be verified by a pilot-scale production of metakaolin in a multiple-hearth furnace then supplied to ready mix concrete plants to determine industrial acceptability.

Technical Report Author: Jean Pera