The main objective of this project was to observe the effect of low-curing temperatures on the setting time strength development and resistance to chloride-ion penetration of concrete incorporating large volumes of fly ash. The internal temperature of various size specimens was also monitored.
The study found that the properties of both the control concrete and the fly ash concretes are adversely affected by lower curing temperatures. The longer-setting time of the fly ash concrete compared with the control concrete is amplified at lower temperatures. Although the compressive strength of all fly ash concretes is comparable after 56 days regardless of curing temperatures or fly ash replacement levels the early age strength development of the fly ash concrete is somewhat more affected by lower curing temperatures than the control concrete. As for chloride permeability it appears that lower curing temperatures have little or no effect on the resistance to chloride-ion penetration at 56 days of either the control or the fly ash concrete.
The report includes an extensive list of tables illustrating the results from the various tests.
Technical Report Author: R. Chevrier, Alain Bilodeau