it is widely accepted that using reclaimed industrial by-products such as fly ash, silica fume, and slag, commonly called “supplementary cementing materials” or SCM, can reduce the amount of cement needed to make concrete, and hence reduce its “CO2 signature”
The objective of EcoSmart is to minimize the GHG signature of concrete by optimizing the replacement of Portland cement in the concrete mix with SCMs while maintaining or improving cost, performance, and constructability.
Development of a sustainable concrete through innovation in supply, design and construction.
Concrete, a universal construction material synonymous with strength and longevity, is relatively benign in nature. However, the production of Portland cement, an essential constituent of concrete, leads to the release of significant amounts of CO2, a greenhouse gas (GHG): producing one tonne of Portland cement produces about 0.9 tonne of CO2 .
Worldwide, cement making accounts for between 5 and 7% of global CO2 annual emissions. The use of concrete is expected to grow in the foreseeable future, but this growth needs to be compatible with environmental protection and sustainability.
It is widely accepted that using reclaimed industrial by-products such as fly ash, silica fume, and slag, commonly called “supplementary cementing materials” or SCMs, can reduce the amount of cement needed to make concrete, and hence reduce its “CO2 signature”. Using SCMs in concrete not only has the potential to reduce GHG emissions, but also to improve long-term strength and durability characteristics, and to result in a more economical concrete than conventional Portland cement concrete.
EcoSmart Concrete began as the EcoSmart Concrete Project in 1999 to establish and develop an effective industry-government partnership model to introduce technology innovations that reduce embodied greenhouse gas in construction. Now, as part of the Foundation’s portfolio, the EcoSmart platform fosters collaboration between suppliers (SCM, cement and concrete producers), designers (architects and engineers), contractors and users (owners and developers). It also supports demonstration projects, new initiatives, technical studies, and associated outreach programs.