High Volume Supplementary Cementing Material Technologies and its Application in China

In 2011, EcoSmart commissioned a study by the China Academy of Building Research in Beijing (CABR) on the applicability of High Volume Supplementary Cementing Material (HVSCM) to China. The report describes the current situation of concrete industry in China, analyzes the economic benefit and social benefit of SOS application in China, and then put forward the necessary adjustment and research for the SOS application in China, the key technologies that should be developed, the data that should be investigated, the research methods and execution plans that should be adopted, and the expected achievements and benefits.

Technical Report.   Author:  CABR

China APP’s Project now completed

The EcoSmart project in China is now completed.  The project was part of the Asia Pacific Partnership (APP) and was aiming at introducing the SOS program to China by engaging key stakeholders of the local industry, including all the disciplines and sectors that are typically involved in concrete construction project such as cement producers, SCM suppliers, concrete manufacturers, engineers, contractors, academics, research institute and building codes officials.

Results and recommendations are included in the report prepared by the main chinese project partner in collaboration with EcoSmart.

Extension of the SOS Project to China

A key Canadian initiative in addressing the issue of Green House Gas emissions related to cement and concrete is the development of the SOS program.  The SCM Optimization System (SOS) project – led by EcoSmart and involving a consortium of Canadian universities, cement companies, government organizations, engineering and construction companies, architects and developers – aims to develop a web-based computer application to provide online expert guidance concerning all aspects of performance of concrete structures that incorporate Supplementary Cementing Materials (SCMs) at all stages of design and construction – through concept, structural design, materials selection and proportioning, to construction management and implementation.

The attached report presents a proposal to expand this initiative to China