Concrete Canada Expo
December 1-3, 2004
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, South Building
Toronto, Ontario
EcoSmart exhibited at the 1st Annual Concrete Canada Expo, which took place with Construct Canada, HomeBuilder & Renovator Expo, PM Expo and Design Trends.
Sustainable Construction Roadshow 2004
October 19-November 4, 2004
Venues Across Canada
The Cement Association of Canada (CAC) presented the Sustainable Construction Roadshow 2004: Understanding and Applying Sustainable Building Practices. This series of workshops addressed the needs of all professionals involved in the design, construction, and renovation of all types of commercial, institutional and high-rise buildings.
Eighth CANMET/ACI International Conference on Fly Ash, Silica Fume, Slag and Natural Pozzolans in Concrete
May 23-29, 2004
Treasure Island Hotel
Las Vegas, NV, USA
GLOBE 2004
March 31-April 2, 2004
Vancouver Convention and Exhibition Centre
Vancouver, BC
EcoSmart exhibited and presented at GLOBE 2004, the 8th biennial Trade Fair and Conference on Business and the Environment. Additionally, EcoSmart unveiled the Sustainable Condo exhibit, a full-size unit which demonstrates through leading-edge design, products, technologies, and systems that the market can deliver today what was only a dream a few years ago. In the conference session Sustainable Condos for Green Cities: The EcoSmart Example, the design professionals behind the concept shared their vision for the “Sustainable Condo in 2010”, and illustrated how they are making “green” condos a reality and opening the way to sustainable housing for 2010 and beyond.
Climate Change, EcoSmart Concrete Technology and Green Building
February and March 2004
Venues across Canada
The EcoSmart Partnership offered a nationwide series of complimentary seminars for Canadian building industry professionals to learn about the environmental, technical, and economic benefits of using EcoSmart concrete technology. The seminars took place in Edmonton, Calgary, Ottawa, Montreal, Halifax and Toronto. See presentations on our Knowledge Base.
BC Construction Show
February 24th-25th, 2004
Vancouver Convention and Exhibition Centre
Vancouver, BC
The EcoSmart Concrete Project exhibited and presented at the BC Construction Show February 24th & 25th, 2004. Michel de Spot, Chair of the EcoSmart Steering Committee, presented an update on the recent activities of the Project on February 25th at 1:30 pm. Members of the EcoSmart team were on hand at booth 1804 on both days of the show. More information is available on the BC Construct website.
EcoSmart Breakfast & Learns at RAIC SDCB 301
November and December 2003
Venues Across Canada
The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) invited EcoSmart to hold ten information sessions in conjunction with the 4th annual Sustainable Design for Canadian Buildings course. The SDCB 301 course was targeted at architects, engineers and building professionals across the country, and provided an excellent opportunity for EcoSmart to encourage the design community to reduce GHG emissions.
EcoSmart Presentation at Greenbuild 2003
November 12-14, 2003
David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Michel de Spot, Chair of the EcoSmart Concrete Project, presented at Greenbuild 2003, the US Green Building Council’s International Conference & Expo. Thousands of green building industry professionals attended the event to learn about the latest advancements in green building. Michel presented “The EcoSmart Concrete Project” in a session titled “Cleaning Up.” The presentation – available in the EcoSmart knowledge base – focused on the relationship between the adoption of EcoSmart concrete technology and the LEED rating system.
EcoSmart Lunch Presentation: Precast Seismic Structural Systems
October 2, 2003
Room 1410 Segal Centre, SFU Harbour Centre,
515 West Hastings Street
Noon to 1:30 pm
Vancouver, BC
The Precast Seismic Structural System (PRESSS) is an innovative precast building system which promises to change the way in which structures are designed and built in regions of high seismic activity. The EcoSmart Partnership and the Cement Association of Canada hosted a complimentary lunch time presentation about PRESSS by Doug Mooradian of the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Manufacturers Association of California.
Canadian Green Building Council BC Chapter Speaker Series
October 8, 2003
Terasen (former BC Gas) Building, 1111 Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC
EcoSmart was one of the topics discussed as part of the BC Chapter of the Canada Green Building Council’s Speaker Series at noon on October 8th.
Dimensions in Concrete
October 21, 2003
Lafarge Canada Inc. Ready Mix Plant
Vancouver, BC
EcoSmart concrete was one of the technologies discussed at Dimensions in Concrete, a professional development event sponsored by Lafarge Greater Vancouver Ready-Mix. Michel de Spot, Chair of EcoSmart, spoke about the environmental benefits of using high volumes of Supplementary Cementing Materials (SCM) in concrete.
EcoSmart Presentation at Union of BC Municipalities Convention 2003
September 22-26, 2003
Vancouver Convention and Exhibition Centre
Vancouver, BC, Canada
EcoSmart had a presence at the 100th Annual UBCM Convention 2003. Michel de Spot, Chair of EcoSmart, presented “The EcoSmart Concrete Project” at the Environment Canada Mini Theatre and EcoSmart information was available in the Environment Canada booth.
Sustainable Building and Urban Design: Understanding and Applying Sustainable Development Practices
August 6, 2003
The Plaza 500 Hotel
500 West 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC, Canada
The Cement Association of Canada hosted this workshop in Vancouver as part of their Sustainability Roadshow 2003. Presenters provided industry professionals with information about means in which to build better, more sustainable communities, designed to enhance the quality of life for Canadians. The EcoSmart team had a booth with information material at this event.
EcoSmart Concrete Project Brown Bag Presentation at Kasian Kennedy
Architecture Interior Design and Planning Incorporated
July 23, 2003 – noon hour
EcoSmart Concrete Project Brown Bag Presentation at Bing Thom Architects
June 13, 2003 – noon hour
EcoSmart Concrete Project Brown Bag Presentation at CEI Architecture
June 6, 2003 – noon hour
Clean Air Day Pancake Breakfast
June 4, 2003
CBC Plaza
Vancouver, BC, Canada
The EcoSmart team joined Environment Canada in their Climate Change/Clean Air booth at the Clean Air Day Pancake Breakfast. The breakfast was part of the 8th Annual Commuter Challenge and provided a great pancake breakfast for “clean commuters”.
Waste to Wealth: New Direction for the Kootenays
April 29th and 30th, 2003
Prestige Lakeside Resort
Nelson, BC, Canada
Michel de Spot presented information about EcoSmart concrete at this conference in a workshop entitled “Resource Recovery and Climate Change”. The conference focused on educating local government, entrepreneurs, students, economic development practitioners, industry and environmental groups about the critical issues surrounding waste reduction and recovery. Information about the EcoSmart Project was available in the Industry Canada booth during the event.
AMERICANA 2003: Solutions for a Healthy World
March 19th to 21st, 2003
Montreal Convention Centre
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
The EcoSmart Concrete Project exhibited at Americana 2003, the fifth biennial Pan-American environmental technology trade show and conference. The trade show drew visitors from around the world.
Trends in Smart Building Design (APEGBC Professional Development Event)
Friday, February 28, 2003 – 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Best Western Richmond Hotel & Convention Centre
7551 Westminster Highway
Richmond, BC, Canada
EcoSmart concrete was one of the topics discussed at this APEGBC Professional Development seminar. Instructors at the seminar included Paul Fast, Phil Seabrook, Liam Murray, Blair Mc Carry and Met Bulkier.
EcoSmart Lunch Presentation: Ductal ®
Tuesday, February 11, 2003 – 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
Alma Bandsmen & Peter Ka ye rooms, Vancouver Public Library
350 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Many local engineers and architects were on hand at the Vancouver Public Library for the EcoSmart Lunch Presentation about Duct al®. Vic Perry of Lafarge North American presented the audience with information about the technical and environmental benefits of using this Ultra High Performance material. Duct al is currently being marketed throughout North America by Lafarge.
EcoSmart Presentation at INFRA 2002
November 27, 2002
Hilton Montreal Bonaventure
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Michel de Spot, Chair of the EcoSmart Concrete Project, gave a presentation entitled “EcoSmart Concrete in Sustainable Municipal Infrastructure” at INFRA 2002. INFRA 2002 was part of the 8th Annual Urban Infrastructures Week in Montreal, Quebec.
EcoSmart Breakfast & Learn
October 21, 2002
Innes Thompson Room, Delta Vancouver Suites
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Over 100 people attended the EcoSmart Breakfast and Learn on Monday October 21st at the Delta Vancouver Suites. The attendees had the opportunity to listen to experts from the engineering, architecture and construction sectors share insight about their practical experience with EcoSmart concrete and learn about the technical issues that remain to be resolved with regards to the use of EcoSmart concrete technology. The audience also got an update on the recent activities of the EcoSmart Concrete Project as well as an overview of the call for case studies. The following presentations are available in the Knowledge Base:
EcoSmart Concrete Project: A Concrete Contribution to the Environment
Michel de Spot, P.Eng., Chair
EcoSmart Partnership
Action Plan on Climate Change
Supplementary Cementing Materials Update
Roy Sage, Chair
Action Plan 2000 Steering Committee
An Architect’s Perspective: Overcoming Technical Issues
Peter Busby, Principal
Busby + Associates Architects
Materials Engineer’s Perspective
Phil Seabrook, P.Eng., Executive Vice President
Levelton Engineering Ltd.
High Fly Ash Concrete: A Contractor’s Perspective
Roland Haebler, Principal
Haebler Group, Contractors and Engineers
EcoSmart Concrete Demonstration Project Tour
October 21, 2002
Vancouver, BC, Canada
After the EcoSmart Breakfast & Learn, participants toured five sites in the Vancouver area that serve as demonstration projects for EcoSmart concrete. Tour stops included the new Brentwood Sky Train Station in Burnaby, the Arthur Erikson-designed “artist work/live studios” at 1540 West 2nd, the Liu Centre for the Study of Global Issues at the University of British Columbia (UBC), the concrete residential home designed by Bing Thom at the UBC endowment lands, and the Bayview high-rise apartment at 1529 West Pender Street in Vancouver.
The transportation for the tour was provided by the New Flyer transit bus powered by the Cummins Westport Inc. C Gas Plus engine, the leading natural gas engine for new transit buses in North America.
EcoSmart Concrete Project Presentation at the GVRD Solid Waste Committee Meeting
June 11, 2002
EcoSmart Concrete Project Presentation at the GVRD Planning and Environment Committee Meeting
May 1, 2002
EcoSmart Concrete Project Brown Bag Presentation at Architectura Planning Architecture Interiors
April 19, 2002 – noon hour
EcoSmart Concrete Project Brown Bag Presentation at Hotson Bakker Architects
April 12, 2002 – noon hour
EcoSmart Concrete Project at GLOBE 2002
March 13-15, 2002
Vancouver Convention & Exhibition Centre
Vancouver, BC, Canada
The EcoSmart Concrete Project had a significant presence at the GLOBE 2002 Conference, exhibiting a booth and giving presentations at the Conference and Technical Sessions. The EcoSmart Concrete Project, largely funded by TEAM (Technology Early Action Measures), was part of the TEAM Canada – Climate Change Solutions Pavilion.
EcoSmart Concrete Project Brown Bag Presentation at Con-Force Structures
March 1, 2002 – noon hour
Building with EcoSmart Concrete: Challenges and Opportunities
June 21, 2001
Liu Centre for the Study of Global Issues, University of BC
6476 NW Marine Drive, Vancouver, BC, Canada
The 2nd EcoSmart Concrete Seminar presented the latest innovations in High Volume Supplementary Cementing Material concrete technology.
The seminar focused on the accomplishments of the EcoSmart Concrete Project since the 1999 seminar and provided practical guidance/experience in overcoming the barriers to switching to EcoSmart concrete. Keynote speaker Peter Busby was followed by presentations from Paul Fast of Fast & Epp Structural Engineers, Alain Bilodeau of CanMet, Phil Seabrook of Levelton Engineering, Rusty Morgan of AMEC Earth and Environmental, Roland Haebler of the Haebler Group, Michael McColl of Busby + Associates and many others.
Consec01 – Durability of Concrete
June 18-20, 2001
Waterfront Hotel, vancouver B.C., Canada
CSCE – Canadian Society for Civil Engineering
May30 – June 2, 2001 Victoria, B.C., Canada
EcoSmart held a booth and presented a paper at the CSCE conference in Victoria.
Eco-Fair – Growing the Green Economy
April 3-7, 2001
BCIT Burnaby Campus, Burnaby B.C., Canada
Americana 2001
March 28 & 29, 2001
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
The EcoSmart Concrete Project held a booth at Montreal’s largest environmental show, which attracted 7,500 participants from 50 countries. Enthusiastic interest was expressed by many Canadian and international visitors, leading to potential partnerships. We would like to thank the Canadian Electrical Association for helping to field inquiries at the booth.
Commercial Greenhouse Gas Technology Solutions Forum
March 14 and 15, 2001
New York City, New York, USA
This international forum was held in New York City to identify and examine commercial-ready GHG mitigation and monitoring technologies. Michel de Spot, the EcoSmart Concrete Project chair gave a presentation during Canada’s TEAM program technologies session.
BC Construction Show – BUILDEX – Design Northwest
February 6 & 7, 2001
Vancouver Convention & Exhibition Centre
Vancouver, B.C., Canada
The EcoSmart Concrete team held a booth at BC’s largest construction show and design industry event. Over 5500 building owners, engineers, contractors, architects, specifiers, managers and designers attended the trade show and conferences. The EcoSmart booth was a success, attracting many visitors. We made several contacts and are following up on new leads. Tilbury Cement and Lafarge Canada donated prizes for our draw. We were pleased to have our partners from Ocean Construction Ltd, Pozzolanic, and Architectura present in the booth to field questions from delegates and help to raise the profile of EcoSmart concrete.