Use of EcoSmart Concrete for the Metro Skate Park – Burnaby, BC – Design Report

This report assesses the proposed use of EcoSmart concrete in the Metro Skate Park. Because this report was written prior to the construction of the park construction experience is not included; rather the scope of this report is to record the experience of the design team with the specification of high volume fly ash concrete. EcoSmart concrete was specified for this project to provide a superior surface finish a stronger more durable material and to provide environmental benefits.

A Hard-Cem brochure is included in the appendix -Teck Cominco s Hard-Cem product is being incorporated into the mix design to lessen the erosion of concrete surfaces- . An overview of the issues around the use of EcoSmart concrete provided by Space2place to all of the contractors in attendance at the bidder s meeting is also included in the report appendix.

Case Study Report Author: space2place design inc.

Courtyard on Bear and Cave Avenue Housing – Banff, AB Case Study: Using EcoSmart Concrete in Cold Weather Construction

This study reports the challenges encountered using EcoSmart concrete during cold weather construction in Banff Alberta and provides possible solutions to these challenges. Although construction was initially planned to begin in summer an increased design period and delays in the permitting process pushed the construction schedules for both projects to the point that the majority of the concrete was cast in the winter.

To accomodate cold weather construction the concrete pour sequences were adjusted and accelerators were used as required to keep the overall project schedule on track. Additional concrete testing was undertaken by means of field-cured cylinders to closely monitor the strength gain of the EcoSmart concrete. As this report explains the projects were able to collect valuable data on the use of accelerators and strength gain at lower temperatures.

Case Study Report Author: Kristy Neish, E.I.T., Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd,

Fly Ash Concrete Trials, Government of Canada Building, Yellowknife NT

In the Spring of 2004 Public Works and Government Services Canada -PWGSC- will be constructing a new low-rise office building in Yellowknife NT. EBA Engineering Consultants -EBA- was retained to review the concrete specifications for the project and to complete the laboratory trials to assist in confirming the feasibility of using fly ash to replace a portion of the cement in the concrete used for this project. EBA produced three fly ash concrete mixes for the project with fly ash contents of 25% 35% and 45% by mass of cementing materials. The objective of this work was to confirm the suitability of fly ash concrete produced with local materials for construction. Based on the results of the trial mix program the report concludes that fly ash replacement of up to 45% is feasible without significantly reducing the compressive strength of the concrete.

Also includes cement and fly ash test reports polyheed admixture brochure and graphs illustrating compressive strength summary setting times and setting temperatures. Appendices include suggested revisions to contract specifications and a summary of the pre-construction concrete meeting.

Case Study Report Author: EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd.

Global Ecology Center for the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Stanford University: The Curing and Moisture Emissions of Conventional vs EcoSmart Slabs

This report examines how an EcoSmart concrete slab-on-grade is affected by different curing practices and how its moisture emissions compare with that of a conventional concrete mix design. A controlled test case with various curing regimens was possible within the confines of a relatively small building project.

The primary findings indicate that an EcoSmart concrete slab can be successfully cured using a spray on curing compound without sacrificing strength or moisture emissions performance. This is a significant finding since many practitioners have cited the increased cost and longer schedules required for wet curing as an impediment to the use of EcoSmart concrete.

Case Study Report Author: Scott Shell, Brad Jacobson, Dushyant Manmohan