This document outlines the goals and outcomes of EcoSmart s UAE Test Series. Results of the four test reports are summarized and an index of mix designs and tests completed are provided.
Technical Report Author: EcoSmart Foundation
This document outlines the goals and outcomes of EcoSmart s UAE Test Series. Results of the four test reports are summarized and an index of mix designs and tests completed are provided.
Technical Report Author: EcoSmart Foundation
This document is a summarization of the tests carried out by Dubai Central Laboratories as part of the UAE Test Series. The tests outline some of the fresh and hardened properties of fly ash concretes looking specifically at stregnth and durbality characteristics. All samples were considered good quality concrete as judged by durability criteria such as chloride ion penetration water penetration and absorption. Target strengths were reached in all low and medium samples while high strength samples demonstrated varied results.
Technical Report Author: David Barrie, EIT, EcoSmart Foundation,
This report tested a number of fresh and hardened properties of fly ash concretes including: bleeding compressive strength finishability heat of hydration penetration of chloride ions plastic properties pumpability setting time shrinkage slump and slump retention stripping strength and water reduction. Results demonstrate that fly ash concretes can be designed to produce results equivalent or superior to high performance Portland and blended GGBS high performance concretes in the UAE -at similar cost- and 28 day interpretations of performance may be waived in circumstances where later age testing permits users to take advantage lower heat of hydration and the superior strength gain of fly ash concretes.
Technical Report Author: David Cooney, Unibeton,
A total of four concrete mixtures were made. These included one control concrete without fly ash and three mixtures incorporating different percentages of fly ash. In addition to the standard compressive strength determination under normal moist-curing conditions the effect of curing and ambient temperature on the strength and some durability characteristics of the concrete were determined. Fly ash concretes having total cementitious materials content inferior to that of the control concrete and incorporating up to 45% fly ash as partial replacement for cement were produced and achieved compressive strengths that met the 28-day strength requirement that was specified for the potential demonstration project. The fly ash concretes performed better than the control concrete in a number of aspects more specifically for heat generation resistance to chloride-ion penetration and drying shrinkage. Although both the strength development and the resistance to chloride-ion penetration of the concretes investigated were strongly affected by the exposure to air drying at high temperature it appears that the fly ash concretes beneficiated from some acceleration of the pozzolanic reaction due to the higher temperature during the drying period and that this compensated at least partly for the lack of moist curing.
Technical Report Author: Alain Bilodeau, Nabil Bouzoubaa, R. Chevrier, Pierre-Claver Nkinamubanzi, CANMET Energy Technology Centre, Natural Resources Canada,
This report evaluates the ionic transport properties of various high volume fly ash -HVFA- concretes. Different numerical simulations were performed on the findings to predict the time to corrosion initiation of rebar for each concrete mix under different exposures. Tests showed that under Arabian Gulf conditions the onset of corrosion occurs first under Parking and Groundwater then Submerged and Tidal zone scenarios however it is noted that availability of oxygen is a key factor which can change the significantly delay or completely prevent corrosion from occurring in some scenarios. This report was part of the EcoSmart UAE Test Series
Technical Report Author: Eric Ouellet, Bruno Pelletier, SIMCO Technologies Inc,